This message is from: "Catherine Lassesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hey I know I am behind in the news... I was gone for a few digests.

On Monty, Yes there is many "stories" and many people feel strongly about
him. (Both Positive and Negative)

I take him and the rest of our "Equine Gurus" for what they are.
I have never personally found Monty's methods to be offensive to me. His
methods of training a horse seem to work.

I am not one to question the Child Abuse, whether it is a lie, white lie or
the truth... I am more interested in what he does for the horse and the
training...  I know that millions of dollars have been given to charities. I
know that he does not collect a paycheck from the tours. He donates it to
the charities. I cannot say that about other Gurus.

I try to look at these Men and Women as orators and communicators.  They all
have some part of their method that we as equine Lovers can benefit from. To
heck with what their personal life before or after was like. Did you care
about the BEATLES and what they did... or did you just enjoy the music?

I am enjoying the MUSIC I hear with all trainers and horse lovers...

Catherine Lassesen (The views expressed here are MINE, not that of the BOD.)

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