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   Million Dollar Cowboy Guru's  *
I know you all will like this one
As far as I can say
To teach a horse these days it seems
You really have to pay <G>

And not just anyone, who thinks hes right
You gotta SELL something to be so bright !
Some books and tapes would be real good
A good a start as any
Just dont forget to charge those folks 
a heap, big pretty penny !

My horse and me just dont seem fit,
After such a wonderful start
To walk and whoa without a fit
Just buck, turn, spin and fart !

I heard that I should get some help
The INTERNET they say
To sign on at a clinic or two
But be prepared to pay !

Went there now and that was that
Got two at first per day
Two seats to watch them start a colt
Will ride the very first day !

They couldnt make it easier for me
My credit card worked just fine
Theres Tellington, Monty, Pat and John
All standing there in line

Old Monty, he likes to " hook um up "
An expression that seems so true
But $ 59.99 plus tax
JUST to see him move ! 
 ( Hubbys face just turned bright blue ! )

Now Pat, he likes to play those games
And you can see him live !
But buy that 12.00 halter of his
And you'll spend 105.95 !

Ol' Linda now, shes kind of cute
With touching and rubbing and all that
But skip that fancy wand of hers
Go get yourself a Nerf Bat !

Gwana Pony Boy is out
With clinics far and wide
He takes his shirt off for most the day
He sure has nothing to hide !
Easy on the eyes it seems
Leaves nothing left to sell
But, boy he sure flew out of there
When 30 min. rang that bell !

Now Lyons is my favorite,
And the company he keeps
Our own McWethy drives with him !
( He signed my lines for keeps )

At Equitana every year
Him and Dave go out back to play
He drives those Fjords of Daves, a four !
With no fear, Ive heard Dave say

But boy does he endorse alot
You cant escape his face
Just open up a horsemans rag
Hes selling his mommas swamp place !

Took me a day on the INTERNET
But boy, I got it done
Im headed on the circuit it seems
Of gurus, and sales and fun

While I was out, just making plans
A friend of mine came by
Took out my horse and walked a bit
He said it sure made time fly !

But, wasnt he just a jerk ? I asked
When catching and being led ?
Naaaaa was his relpy, that day
I just wumped him upside the head !

He calmed right down just long enough
To have a little talk
He said you seemed so down and out
He was trying to just cheer you up
He said that he just wants a friend
To " whisper " a nighty night

He dosnt need those fancy tapes
Or wands or whips or toys
Just take him out and love him up
While you go play with those boys !


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