This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well, we are suppose to be out of fire season this time of the year, but once 
again mother nature proved us wrong.
We just had a horrific fire here in the San Diego area, and although it 
wasn't directly in our area, it was close enough at 10 miles away as the 
"crowe flies" and we were worried about the winds changing directions and 
coming towards us.  But we were lucky this time.  Not so for many others and 
now as they are getting control of the fire, we all take time to analyze what 
we would do if it should happen to us.
Sometimes one doesn't have time to do anything but get in the car and leave.
One family had 3 minutes to get out and they had 5 horses.  They opted to let 
the horses out of the corrals rather than burn, and four of the five made it. 
 The fifth one was hit by a car and later died.
Another couple opted to ride their horses out and leave the cars behind.
A total of 5 horses died in this fire.  Several were burned and  two of them 
had gone through a fire wall.  It was really sad to see and one of our own  
vets was working on these animals.  I guess it was luck that not more were 
burned in this rapid fire.  The winds were horrific and our horses were all 
very upset, so I opened their corrals so they could all stand together and it 
seemed to calm them  down a little, as well as give them trees and bushes to 
stand behind for barricade from the winds.
It was just another reminder of how fast disaster can strike, and although we 
have an evacuation plan, it doesn't always work out when not enough time is 
Just something for all of us to think about, and be greatful for the things 
we have, for in a matter of seconds and minutes, it can all be gone.

Rondi Tyler.
Ramona, Ca.

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