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To Janne from her Secret Santa:

To Janne who lives in a town named by Scots
And lives among Norskies who don't enjoy lox
Instead they revel at cod soaked in lye
Which I, as a Norskie, never could try
My name, these days, is as Greek as can be
And our business is done by pulling fish from the sea
Just as my ancestors from Vardo had done
For, at least, a millennium
No fjordings up there, 
Not even trees, so I hear
A place where carrots and roots are tropical fruits
Where I live now though
Is the best place on earth
And provides fjords and schnauzers a luxurious berth
We all have wet feet but the secret's the summer
When living anywhere else is a bit of a bummer
This rhyming is hard and I'm not a bard
So I'm sending your gift of style and color 
With photos of equines from cover to cover
Bays, blues, reds and roans are only some
But the best, of course, 
are those that are dun.
Horses that only Norway could make
In order to compensate for their terrible mistake
By making a national dish that no one will try
Because Norskies take cod and soak it in lye.

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