This message is from: "Patryjak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I was down at the tack store yesterday and bought a whole herd of little
>horses!........Does this passion for horses ever go away?

No, Jean...we are hopeless....I have a whole herd that sits on top of my
monitor...bought them for work to remind them at home, now I work at home
and have them here...a whole fjords, just reminders of
earlier equine buddies!

This seems perfect for you from Bay Area Equestrian Network:
( )

"Horse-aholics Anonymous" - submitted by Denise Finley, Santa Rosa

Good Afternoon. I am a horse-aholic. I would like to welcome all of you to
this month's meeting of Horse-aholic Anonymous. Some of you are here tonight
because a friend or relative brought you. You may be sitting here thinking
that you are OK and don't really need any help. It is not easy to admit that
you are a horse-aholic and it is even harder to bring yourself to a HA
meeting for help. HA is here to assist you. I have some questions to ask. If
you can answer YES to more than three of the following, you have come to the
right place.

1. Can you say "sheath" in public without blushing?
2. Do you drive a big truck with a towing package when everyone else drives
a real car?
3. Do you have more than one vehicle? One for you and one for the horses?
4. Do you spend your holidays going to shows, clinics and seminars when
everyone else goes on a cruise?
5. If you do go away, is it to a riding vacation in Ireland or to Spruce
Meadows to watch the Grand Prix?
6. Do you discuss things at the dinner table that would make most doctors
leave in disgust?
7. Do you consider formal wear to be clean jeans and freshly scraped boots?
8. Is your interior decorator State Line Tack?
9. Was your furniture and carpeting chosen with your horses in mind?
10. Are your end tables really tack trunks with tablecloths thrown over
11. Is your mail made up primarily of horse catalogs and horse magazines?
12. Do you get up before dawn to ride? Go to horse shows? Clinics? (but have
trouble getting up for "work?")
13. If you do have dresses, do they all have pockets? Do those pockets often
contain bits of carrot, hay, or sweet feed?
14. When you meet a new person do you always ask them what kind of horse
they have and pity them if they don't have one?
15. Do you remember the name of their horse sooner than you remember their
16. Do you find non-horse people boring?

If you answered YES to one of the above, there is still hope. If you
answered YES to two, you are in serious trouble. My advice to all of you
with three or more YES's is to sit back and smile, turn to the smiling
person next to you, and know that your life will always be filled with good
friends and good horses and it will never be boring.

Betsy in Michigan, where the stars are beautiful this Christmas Eve and the
horses breath is fog in the night


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