This message is from: "Deboodt's" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Bjorn Knutson.....................

We've all had an animal in our lives that seemed more human than some
"people" we know!  :)  Bjorn Knutson was just that!  I didn't want his
passing to go by without letting Bud, Tillie, and Amy know what a
wonderful gift they have given all of us who knew Bjorn.  There was not
another stallion with a kinder eye, a more intelligent look, and an
honest manner!  Bjorn was a horse that looked you right in the eye and
said "OK..........I'll try because I trust you!"  Bud, Tillie, and Amy
you gave him a wonderful life!  You taught him how to hold his head high
and to enjoy the very essence of being a horse!  His heart is only
exceeded by your three hearts.  I know they are broken.......but time
will heal.   We will always have Bjorn in our memories..........and in
the eyes of his  sons and daughters.    With heartfelt sympathy,

Grace, Tim and the kids :)

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