This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Article re treating excess smegma or dirty sheath.  Buy a large jug of
mineral oil through Omaha vaccine or other suppliers.  Then get a turkey
baster at your grocery or hardware store.  That is the plastic tube with the
rubber suction handle or bulb. Fill the baster with mineral oil, holding it
tube up not to lose any oil.

If your gelding or stallion is like mine they let down when you groom them.
Or show the stallion a mare.  Sometimes I have had to "innocently" move up
on the gelding relaxing in the field. I also hide the baster as my horses
are a suspicious lot.  While petting with one hand I squirt the oil onto the

If the horse is wise to you and does not let down check the end of the
basting tube to be sure it is smooth.  Tie the horse and simply insert the
tube into the sheath and squirt the oil in.  This way is not as good as when
they are extended but does work.

The oil works the smegma out and leaves everything clean.  The owner may
however be covered with mineral oil!  :)

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
Barnes & Noble Book Stores

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