This message is from: "Starfire Farm, LLC" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Mark,

I have the same problem in the winter re: indoor arena dust.  Ours is
round pen sized and is in need of new footing.  My problem is that I
need to fix the leaks in the roof before doing something about the
footing, or my (future) footing base will be ruined with the first good
rain.  I've explored lots of options.  Most involve replacing your
existing footing with something new.  A friend of ours has Fibar in
their indoor.  Wonderful, dustless, footing but expensive to install
correctly (they had to make sure their base was crushed stone pounded to
something like 90 psi. - quite expensive- to guarantee the footing for 5
years)  Some arenas here have combined washed sand with rubber
crumbles.  Still needs some watering, and can still get dusty.  The
rubber crumbles do help keep the footing from freezing and clumping
together.  Some folks around here add sodium chloride to their footing
and water the arena infrequently.  This means, however, that you have to
wash your horses' feet and legs after working them, as the salt can be
hard on them.  Others have added linseed or mineral oil.  Linseed oil
has a stong odor.  I don't know about Mineral oil, but do know that it
is expensive.  Whatever you do, don't apply used motor oil (or any motor
oil, for that matter.)  The old indoor roping arenas around here had
that and they're a toxic waste nightmare!

Hope this helps.


Beth Beymer & Sandy North
Starfire Farm, Berthoud CO

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