This message is from: "Anneli Sundkvist" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Both male and femal reindeers have antler - yes. But I do belive that both 
males and females drop their antlers in the winter.

In Sweden - and I belive Norway and Finland too - the wild reindeer have been 
gone for some time and we now have only domestic reindeer that are owned and 
herded by the Saami people. This tradition is not very old, I belive it's 17th 
or 18th century. Before that the Saamis were hunters and gatherers that 
followed the herds of wild reindeer. I don't know why their way of living was 
changed, probably the fact that their land was taken by settlers that had 
bought the land from the government that didn't care about the fact that this 
land belonged to the Saamis.



Anneli Sundkvist
Department of Archaeology & Ancient History
Uppsala University
St. Eriks Torg 5
S-753 10 Uppsala
Phone: +46-18-4712082
----- Original Message ----- 
To: <>
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 10:05 PM
Subject: Re: reindeer

> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> In a message dated 12/8/00 2:22:47 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
> << << In this article I have it states that both gender sport antlers,  >>
>  But the males drop theirs in the fall, which means that Santa's are all 
>  female, which is why they can find their way without asking directions.
>   >>
> That sounds odd. How many antlered species have them in the females? 
> Certainly not whitetails, or moose, or elk. Why would females have them and 
> retain them year-round, while males lost them? Protection of the tender, 
> delicious young? I also thought they were quite wild and unruly, as they 
> seemed to be in something I saw from Norway with them being raced. And I 
> won't even go the way of the reindeer chasing Arnlod Scwarzeneger and 
> snapping his jaws at him in "Jingle All the Way." BTW, what was the scene 
> that was planned for that movie but never included or maybe never shot for 
> it? It involved a 20 foot long inflatable reindeer like the giant balloon 
> seen floating down the street, but this one was the type of balloon that uses 
> a blower and sits on the ground. It was built for the movie by Dynamic 
> Displays, but not used in the movie. Was Arnie supposed to fly into it and 
> bounce off, or go straight through it? Merek

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