This message is from: "Sue Harrison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi is a little ditty to the tune of "Cool Water"
I call it "Ode To Storm"

Here she comes whats this in my pail....
Its water, water... nice warm water...(water, water)
I'll have a sip oh this is delicious ...
of.water,water...nice warm water (water, water)
Oops I just spilled some but oh its fun....
with water, water... nice warm water (water,water)
Oh now its gone all over the floor...
but thats ok she'll bring some more of water...water,water...
nice warm water (water,water)
Ah here it is  I can have some more ...
Wish I'd collicked long before on water,water.....
cold clear water (water, water)
Now this is more like it...
I can have more fun... with water, water...
nice warm water (water, water)
uhoh here she comes...
my fun is all  done with water...
Nice warm water...(water,water)

Well there you have it guys and girls...what awaited me after putting 2
pails of water into Storms stall this morning.  The lightbulb had blown and
the sloshing underfoot was not noticeable until I went out to feed noon hay.
Thank goodness it had stopped raining and I could turn the brat out.  What a
mess..water...water everywhere....and neer' a drop of Quick...ah well its
been a long day *grin* . I dumped nearly half a garbage bag of shavings in
his stall and had to use a towel to mop out his hanging graindish (too close
to water, water....oops there I go again....
Guess I will hold his pail for him next time....sheeshhhh what a mess....
Thanks everyone for all the advice...have a nice day,  Sue in N.B. (Desert
Storm's mom)

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