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Hi there list,      
    Since I stirred up so much *&#  the last time I wrote, I thought I might 
share something that would get a "lighter" response : )........... 
    Yesterday, I rode alone without the companionship of my sweetie Brigid 
and her Tommes. This may not seem like such a big deal to many of you, 
however, you must be informed that my horse Rafael has only been ridden once 
solo. He usually has Tommes near by. The first time I tried this It was a 
literal fight to keep him from turning around, for about a quarter mile, I 
could hear Tommes, and Rafael would answer back and try to turn around. 
Needless to say, we spent a lot of time cutting donuts in the trail. 
Consequently, I only rode him out on the trail with Brigid and Tommes along 
with us. (sad huh).....
    Just to show you all how valuable your "comments" are, This is what I did 
to resolve that problem, (which I have tried to avoid trying to deal with all 
this time)
    As we left the ranch, we got approx. fifty yards away, and Rafael began 
his looking back, and soon, we could hear Tommes crying out. Weeeeeeeeeeeee, 
and of course Rafael answered back. He wanted to turn back, and tried. I 
remained calm, and, took someone's advice and turned him back into the 
direction we were headed, and I concentrated on looking ahead. And would you 
believe it, He only tried it one more time, gave up, and we had a wonderful 
ride : ))). 
    Also, on the way back, as we approached the ranch, he began to pick up 
speed, I sternly told him to walk (pulling gently back on the reigns) he 
immediately slowed down to a walk, and we continued toward the ranch. I 
decided to apply another suggestion, as we got to the gate, I had already set 
my eyes straight ahead, and continued past the gate. He did try to head to 
it, but, not at all like he used to. I was so impressed, I rode a ways, 
turned him around, and we walked past the gate again. I did this three times 
before "I" decided, to head in to the gate. I was soooo proud of him, and of 
course myself. I applied this technique once before with Brigid and Tommes 
with us, and it worked wonderfully. It's so nice to have a horse that 
"listens and obeys." 
    Just wanted to share this with you, and sincerely "thank you all" for 
your valuable knowledge. And, your willingness to sharing it with me. It 
certainly helps, and means a lot.                                             
    Jack (n' Brigid of course : )

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