This message is from: "linda hickam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

".....speaking of roosters......we had one named "Alvin"......later to
become the "attack" rooster...he was vicious!!!!!.....had no problem making
him into soup!!!
>From: "Ingrid Ivic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Fjord Horse List Fjords Mailing List" <>
>Subject: here chickey, chickey...
>Date: Mon, Nov 20, 2000, 1:33 AM

>This message is from: Ingrid Ivic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> At the present time I am going over to this
>> house and feeding and watering them once a day, but this will get old
>> soon.  I am not real thrilled to hear a rooster at 3 or 4 in the morning
>> and wonder if, they are kept in total dark at night, if that will shut
>> him up?    I do not want them loose in my barn, since they will be all
>> over making a mess.  I suppose the real solution is to just butcher them
>> and have them for Sunday dinner or make soup if they are real tough. In
>> the meantime, I will continue to care for them and hope some wild
>> critter does not have them for lunch.
> Hi there Carol,
> I too have chickens...5 hens, 2 roosters (didn't have the heart to butcher
>the second one!). We've kept them mainly as pets and for the eggs. They will
>"shut up" at night...don't worry. Is there a pen or some sort of closed-in
>area where they can be kept? They will soon be eaten by the raccoons, coyotes
>or other various creatures if not kept in a secure place. Ours are in a fenced
>area, with a little house for them, built up off the ground. I have them
>deeply bedded with straw for the winter and they will do quite well with this
>arrangement. They will require water brought out to them at least 2 times a
>day, as it will freeze over quickly. 
> My fjords ignore them mostly...the occasional flapping and squawking does not
>phase them one bit. 
> Probably a good idea not to have them in with the horses...they can harbour
>lice (I dust mine) and may possibly spread disease with their droppings(?).
> Bon Appetit! Ingrid   ;o)

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