This message is from: "Sue Harrison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi everyone from N.B. where it never stops raining.....
Karen:...."Please send some snow, some snow for Christmas" so I can build a
big snowman...... It has rained it seems for the past month.  The paddock
has sticky oozy mud outside the barn door that sucks on my boots almost
going over the tops!  Over 40 above and  water, water everywhere.  I am so
sick of rain...and when it does freeze the paddocks will be a skating rink I
am sure!  To make matters worse our artesian well overflows into the horse
tub and is constantly overflowing into the paddock...It's great in dry
weather when we don't have to lug water but this is  going too far.  If only
it would snow! Rain...yuk yuk yuk.....
I think I will throw a tantrum anytime now.  My poor horses...not a dry spot
anywhere.  I leave the barndoor open for them to go inside but they are mud
from one end to the other.  At least they get dried off at night when we put
them in the barn.  They say there is no Elnino this year...but what the heck
is this?  We live in New Brunswick where it is supposed to be cold and snow
at this time of year.  I certainly love the warm weather but this...oh I
could go on and on. Wahhhh.
There, now that I have that out of my system (temperarily)  you guys talking
about your wonderful horse shows....and me so far away from all of you ... I
am drooling with envy.  Noone around here has a one...... *sigh*
...All alone am I.....
Anyway, Karen if you could send me some snow..... oh yes also some cooler
weather to keep it....Here I go again.... I think I need a coffee...maybe
something stronger.... Cheechhh....grrrrrrrr.   Cheer me up someone.....
Sue in N.B.  (Desert Storm's mom)

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