This message is from: "Sue Harrison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Here is a poem everyone should enjoy...Cowboy's Guide To Life
> >> > (Applies to both sexes and not just
> >> > cowboys!)
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >1. Don't squat with your spurs on. Good
> >> >judgment
> >> >comes from experience, and a lot of
> >> > that comes from bad
> >> >judgment.
> >> >2. Lettin' the cat outta the bag is a
> >> >whole lot
> >> >easier 'n puttin' it back in.
> >> >
> >> >3. If you're ridin' ahead of the herd,
> >> >take a look
> >> >back every now and then to make sure
> >> >it's still there.
> >> >4. If you get to thinkin' you're a
> >> > person of some
> >> > influence, try orderin' somebody else's
> >> >dog around.
> >> >
> >> >5. After eating an entire bull, a
> >> > mountain lion
> >> >felt so good he started roaring. He
> >> > kept it up
> >> >until a hunter came along and shot
> >> >him...The
> >> >moral: When you're full of bull, keep
> >> >your
> >> >mouth shut.
> >> >
> >> >6. Never kick a cow chip on a hot day.
> >> >
> >> >7. There's two theories to arguin' with
> >> >a woman.
> >> >Neither one works.
> >> >
> >> >8. If you find yourself in a hole, the
> >> >first thing
> >> >to do is stop diggin'.
> >> >
> >> >9. Never slap a man who's chewin'
> >> >tobacca.
> >> >
> >> >10. It don't take a genius to spot a
> >> > goat in a
> >> >flock of sheep.
> >> >11. Always drink upstream from the
> >> >herd.
> >> >
> >> > 12. When you give a lesson in meanness
> >> > to a
> >> >critter or a person, don't be surprised
> >> >if
> >> >they learn their lesson.
> >> >
> >> >13. When you're throwin' your weight
> >> > around, be
> >> >ready to have it thrown around by
> >> >somebody else.
> >> >
> >> >14. The quickest way to double your
> >> >money is to
> >> >fold it over and put it back in your
> >> > pocket.
> >> >
> >> >15. Never miss a good chance to shut
> >> > up.
> >> >
> >> >16. There are three kinds of men. The
> >> > one that
> >> >learns by reading. The few who learn by
> >> >observation. The rest of them have to
> >> >pee on
> >> >the electric fence for themselves

A short time ago there was a discussion going on....shavings versus wood
pellets...well I guess I am lucky....we get our shavings free from a local
sawmill...all we have to do is get large industrial garbage bags, drive 6
miles and take the time to fill them. Storm is in a box stall at night.  I
put a small pile of shavings in his stall each day and clean it all out the
following day.  We have a manure pile behind the barn.  Every second year we
get a neighbour with a tractor and bucket to spread it out in the paddock.
Since we live on a side hill (common in N.B.)  we are hoping eventually to
even the ground up some...besides it is fantastic for gardens.  My pumpkins
weighed in at over 100 pounds!  Our garden is grown on completely decomposed
horse poop!  Our ground was rocky and we just piled the manure on top and
leveled it off.  We too, wondered how to get our manure hauled away, when
another horse owner asked if we had any side hills on our place...why of
course we did...what a wonderful idea...get rid of the horse poop and build
up our ground at the same time!
Have a great day everyone, Sue in N.B.  (Desert Storm's mom)


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