This message is from: "A. A. van Hensbergen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello Susan!!!!

Thank you for your reply, very nice!
That's very cool you have falily from Marius too! I once go to a place where they compare horses (haha, I'm not so good in English, in Dutch it is called 'Fjordenkeuring', a lot of Fjords come there and then a jury gives the Fjords mars for extension, moves, legs, muscles, total horse) and Toddy's do is very well! A lot of Toddy's usually win, because he has very good movements. And so his familiy too. But nog Toddy is very sick, it doesn't goes very well with him. He's getting older also, and he is very sick...
On my homepage is also a picture of Toddy. But it's a very old one.

Or on this site, a site from all the Dutch stallions:

Oswin is dead. He died because of a muscle sickness. He was sooo beautifull! I have a very beautifull picture of him, I will scan it for you. Tell me about them. Does the one from Toddy has a lot hear too?
I am very curious to your Fjords!!!!

Marius       Oswin

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