This message is from: Nancy Hotovy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello Everyone -

Just received my Herald and as usual Sally did a great job.  I was kind
of surprised to see pictures of our mare TUF Reba in the Advanced Draft
test a a western picture also.  Does anyone know who's pictures they
are?  As usual, when the draft test was being done my camera was in the
barn so I have no pictures of this portion.   I would be glad to pay for
the negatives, duplicates, etc.

Have been busy training the 2 year olds to drive.  So far everything has
gone well.  The second time I took Kari (Reba's 2 year old filly) out on
the road we met two combines, 1 semi and a tractor pulling gravity boxes
- - - all within 1/4 mile!  Fortunately our horses are around a lot of
farm equipment and it didn't bother her a bit, even when we have to get
over by the trees because the one combine was so large it took up the
entire road.   Sure made my heart skip a few beats!  We've had beautiful
weather during October - - warm, sunny days.  Wish it would never end!

The Upper Forty

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