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 Please allow one more post about evaluations before you filter this topic 
out. I think it would be a big mistake to take this action.  Certainly 
tempers have flared around evaluation topics and will probably continue to do 
so but to me that only says that this is a VERY important topic that a lot of 
people have passionate feelings about. 

 I, for one, have learned a lot from listening to peoples' feelings, 
passionate or otherwise, on this topic. As a fjord owner, breeder, and 
Evaluation Committee Chairperson I have not only had my ideas challenged and 
broadened, but have had the opportunity to get a bigger picture of what the 
national and international climate is around this very important issue that 
in fact does effect all fjord owners; past, present and future. 

This list is a revolutionary tool for allowing people from all over the world 
to share ALL aspects of their involvement around this horse that they love 
so. And while I agree that disagreements can be handled more tactfully I also 
think conflict is an important part of reality and is in fact a critical 
aspect for growth and change. In fact Carol may have done a really great 
thing by stirring things up with her post. So I want to thank you, Steve, for 
enabling all of us to come together in such a diverse way.

My personal thoughts relating to the recent discussions have already been 
well stated by others. I only want to let people know that A LOT is going on 
internationally as well as nationally right now to bring on some of the 
international cooperation that has been called for by members. If people have 
any specific questions please E-mail me or other Evaluation Committee members 
privately and hopefully we can directly answer your questions or refer you to 
people who can. And I HOPE that people continue to challenge each other on 
this topic and others. Determining how these horses are evaluated is the only 
way we have of preserving the qualities that we love so much about this breed.

Anne Appleby

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