This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you very much to those of you who sent such nice e-mails regarding the 
loss of our mini.
We got the results back today and from the bloodwork, it showed a severe 
infection in the brain and the electrolites were all messed up.
The vet feels very definite about this being encaphalitis in the brain due to 
the virus she contacted.
He feels that the virus was airborn as we live in a very remote area and none 
of our horses have been off our property in weeks.  But somebody could have 
ridden by or it could have been blown in from where all the mustangs were.
Several horses here in Ramona have come down with what starts out as a sore 
throat and fever and they wont eat.  But most of them are over it within a 
few days, which was the way our Fjord was.  The other two minis seem to be 
pretty well back to normal as of today, and here is hoping that the rest will 
not get this virus.
Why this one little mini got it this way, is something we will never know.  
It is just like people I guess, where some have the flu mildly and others 
severely, and occasionally some die.  
At least she is at peace now.  
If only I can get over it now.

Rondi Tyler.
Ramona, Ca.

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