This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I lost a very special friend yesterday, a few of you knew her. Ann Rogers 
lived on 100 acres in the beautiful Mora Valley in New Mexico. She owned 2 
fjord mares, Lucy and Jinx, they were her pride and joy. Two weeks ago Ann 
had surgery to replace a valve in her heart, she did extremely well and was 
home 5 days after surgery. Yesterday her husband ran into town leaving Ann 
resting in bed, when he returned he found her dead. 
I still am having trouble believing she is gone, she was only 56 and had such 
plans and dreams for the future now the surgery was done. We lived over 100 
miles apart but still Ann and I spent many wonderful hours together with our 
fjords and going to clinics and learning about organic gardening (another 
interest we had in common). 
I have lost a soul mate and it dam well hurts. Thanks for letting me vent my 
I am going to go and hug my fjords, and if it ever stops raining, hitch one 
or two and drive.  
Sue Clark-Sorger
Crown Oak Fjords
Sandia Park NM 

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