This message is from: "Knutsen Fjord Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all -

Sadie and Erlend are back at home now, bringing our total to 7 + the 2 in
the ovens. So we get to enjoy more fascinating horsie interplay. The other
day I put Sadie and Suki out together for the first time in our upper
pasture. Since they are both pregnant and shod, I watched for quite a while,
but they were much more interested in the grass than in each other. Duh!

When it came time to bring them in, I walked toward Sadie, holding her
halter and lead rope. The mares had thus far ignored each other totally.
When Sadie saw me, she sauntered over to Suki, who is younger, fatter, and
almost two hands shorter, to sniff noses. After sniffing, Sadie squealed
once and stamped her foot at Suki.

Then Sadie strolled around Suki until they were butt to butt, and gave a
desultory two-footed kick in Suki's direction. Now satisfied, that something
or other had been established, Sadie came over to me to have her halter put
on. Suki, little piggie that she is, paid no attention whatever, knowing
that I would be coming for her next and she had to stuff down as much grass
as possible before that awful moment. She wishes she had chipmunk cheeks for
times like that....

More herd dynamics. I'm getting silly Willie filly used to being away from
mom in preparation for the BIG MOMENT! First, I put her in a paneled paddock
with auntie Pepper, about 10 feet from mom's paddock. Silka gave two snorts
of concern, than turned back to her hay. Willie raced around Pepper's
paddock for a few minutes, seeking an escape. Pep, seeing this, took a
couple of turns herself, then looked at me as if to ask, "Why are we doing
this, anyway? Do I have to?" I assured her that she didn't, whereupon she
resumed eating.

The next time, I had Sonny in there, too. They had all been together in the
big pasture before, but  he had never had Willie in his own yard, so to
speak. He, low guy in the pecking order, took a look at Willie, who's only a
little shorter than he is at 3+ months, and said to himself, "Aha, I've just
graduated!" Then he began shoving her around with his chest to her butt.
Next, he took hold of the base of her tail, sideways, and they took a couple
of turns around the paddock like that. It was a new one on me, and on Willie
too, who wasn't sure whether they were playing or fighting. I don't think
Sonny was, either. Goof ball!

The new arrangement during Willie's weaning, will be Silka-Sadie-Suki as one
sub-herd, and Pepper-Sonny-Willie as the other. The members of sub-herd 2
are all for sale, but more on that later.   Peg Knutsen

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