This message is from: "Bushnell's" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Listers,

we noticed at the Libby show that our Fjords were winter fuzzy already as
compared to most all others that weren't. that weekend was our first cool
weather (apologies from Montana) and because we had had such intensely hot
temperatures up until then we wondered why they were suiting up already.

well, two days ago we had snow flying through the air and last night it was
sixteen degrees here! Uffda! =)) the snow never showed on the ground (it
couldn't land! it flew straight through one way, then the other, on strong
winds =) but there's snow capped peaks now and seems two months later than
it actually is?

but the fuzzy winter-donned Fjords were ready for this! how did they know?
I'm going to keep an eye on them next fall and gauge my rose bush
winterizing accordingly.. I may have lost some.

the Fjords looked so "snuggy" in their fur coats this morning, while
munching frost-coated grass, and yes, smug too! =))

Ruthie, NW MT 

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