This message is from: Mike & Casey Rogillio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I'm in rather a quandary here.  I'd originally gotten Tyr with the idea
that my kids would learn to ride (ha, 3 years later and I'm just now
talking my husband into letting my daughter take lessons :-(  ) and so I
purposely looked for a nice, calm, easy-going horse.

He's calm all right.  So calm that I expended more effort on today's
ride in the pasture than he did I think.  It's just no fun riding a
horse that is SO poky, that isn't forward at all.  e's content to just
stand around, or shuffle from point A to B.  He's a good height for kids
(13.0), and even some adults. At 5'10" I don't look too bad on him, at
least according to people I've ridden with.

He does tend to spook and squirt when unknown things approach, like the
bikes on a trail I took him on.  But he's so DOGGONE slow that it's

I'm sort of leaning towards selling him, but before I take the step of
advertising him, I want to probe the collective minds of Fjord owners.
Have you had one that is a poky little pony?  Did they ever get more
responsive and forward?  HOW!!!??!!??

It doesn't seem to matter where he's ridden, he's not gonna expend too
much energy and will be the last horse on the trail.  Is he destined to
be a slow-poke all his life?

ANY help you can give me towards getting some speed faster than plodding
will be gratefully read,

Thanks - Casey & Tyr in Alabama

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