This message is from: "Annette Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

We have an older quarter horse mare who is prone to colic.  One common
denominator we've found in her episodes is a sudden drop in barometric
pressure.  On a Colorado winter day, the drop is easy to notice because the
weather changes so drastically -- so, now we put the blanket on her, close
her in the shed and skip her dinner as a preventative messure.  She did just
great all last winter.  This summer, there was a pressure drop but it stayed
hot so I didn't notice and she started to colic.  Thankfully, it was a light
episode.  The vet said to keep her from eating, try to keep her walking, and
he had us give her a banamine shot; she was fine by the next day.  Oddly
enough, giving her some alfalfa doesn't seem to affect her; neither does
going out onto green grass in the spring.

Annette Johnson

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