This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Do you feed them "free" treats at other time?  I think this is the key.
Pretty hard to stick to, tho.  If they can get "free" treats than they
aren't going to want to work for them.  Smart horses!  

Alexandra Kurland has a new video out  "The Click that Teaches"  "Lesson
#1, Getting started with the clicker"  which really emphasizes the initial
training of teaching them not to mug you for treats.  This is where I go
wrong..I just seem to have to give them "free" treats!  I will have to get
down to business one of these days and do it right!

Jean in soggy Fairbanks, Alaska, where the sun is trying to peek through
after another 1/2 inch rain yesterday! The fjords are getting great
training to go through water and swamps!

>Questions about clicker training. A while back I tried clicker training with
>my two. Got the book, read it, thought it made sense. Got two very different
>responses from Copper (QH) and Tor (Fjord). It seemed to make Copper just
>plain mad. I think he felt like he was being teased. He knew that he had to
>touch the target (a small cone) to get the treat, but he didn't want to. One
>time he knocked it out of my hand and then stompted on it, then he came back
>with his ears pinned back like "There, I touched the stupid thing, now
>gimmee my treat!" I quit trying to do any clicker training with him. We
>already work well together and he has very good manners, so this just didn't
>seem worth it.
>    Tor was a whole other story. He seemed bored by the whole thing. Again,
>I feel that he knows what is wanted, he's just not interested. If he has to
>work for that treat, he'll just leave. Has anyone else run into responses
>like these? Any comments?
Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

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