This message is from: " Dave McWethy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I just got the flyer from Pony Farm for the fall clinic.  This is the third
year for the clinic, and I think it has gotten high praise from all as a
place for skilled drivers to get some coaching, beginners to get a good
start, and for any in between.

The dates are September 25-28, in Temple NH.

Clinicians are Muffy Seaton, Holly Pulsifer and myself.

There are a variety of options, which include bringing your own horse
($400), coming as an auditor ($275), coming with horse, but not staying at
Pony Farm ($200) and other auditing options, including one day.  If anyone
would like to come and drive one of Pony Farm's horses, you should call to
make arrangements.

It is four days of driving and lessons, presentations in the evenings, and
staying at Pony Farm's lovely log lodge.  Gladys makes a point of always
impressing us with how good the food is!  If we're lucky, it will be the
height of foliage season.

For more about Pony Farm and the Clinic, see their websites at and

And you can call them at 603-654-6308 for a flyerwith more details.

I mention this on the List as I think it might be of interest to folks out
of our area.  Easy to get here by flying in to Manchester NH.

Fjord note:  I lent Pony Farm our mare Elska for the summer camp.  She was
the first Fjord that they have had a chance to work with over time, and she
charmed everyone.  Status of Fjord horses there is at an all time high!

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