This message is from: "Sue Harrison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>You are absolutely right Karen.  I actually read right over the Appy part
>of the message.  In that case it would do no good at all.  In fact she
>might want to consider having it terminated if she is pregnant.  I don't
>think I would want to put a 31 year old mare through that.
Mike...I would not feel safe in causing her to abort at this late date.  I
could have done it at just 3 weeks but our vet, who is a horse specialist,
said that if she was pregnant, to let her have it. He believes that  if she
is healthy enough to get pregnant and carry it to term then she should be
allowed to keep it. My husband feels that it is such a remote chance of
pregnancy, that he does not even want me to have the blood test done.  But I
will feel much better knowing , tho I realize that in all probability, she
is not in foal.  The 96 days are up this month so will know shortly.  At any
rate, the mare is old and does not have that much time left anyway. And she
does love babies.
My son is applying to go to Forestry school to be a Forest Ranger.  He was
in the local F.R. office today and one of our local rangers is now fighting
fire in Montana.  We have had a fair bit of rain here  lately and the
humidity is 75 degrees F.  Some sticky sleeping.
I am going away next week, tho will try to get home a few times to read the
Fjord digest.  A group of riders from this area, is going 100 miles by
horseback to celebrate the millinium.  They needed an extra 4-wheeler  to
haul supplies and my husband was asked for his.  He had planned on taking
his Appaloosa gelding, but then thought if he took the wheeler, then I could
go too.  I am out of a horse to ride  this year as one is the 31 year old
App. and the other is  "Desert Storm" my yearling Fjord.  So we are heading
up the railroad track (Part of the Canada trail) ( tracks removed)  on
Sunday morning.  We will be camping out all week.  Sure hope the rain stops
falling here and goes to Montana!  Well wish us all luck that all goes ok
and no one gets hurt.... Sue in N.B.  (Desert Storm's mom)

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