This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have friends in Hamilton and Victor, Montana with horses (Arabs, not
Fjords) and I have been tracking the Blodgett fire on the Web as it is
right in their back yard.  I don't think they will get burnt out as both of
their homes are in open areas but I am sure the smoke is affecting them  I
visited them last year after the Libby Show so have a vivid image of the
area. I have been looking at the pictures and info on the US FS website.

Jean in rainy Fairbanks, Alaska where our fire season ended several weeks
ago and we sent our fire crews to Montana

>Michelle Noonan, her family and her Fjords, in the Bitterroot Valley are of
>concern. She wrote yesterday and spoke of the heavy smoke atmosphere. These
>ongoing temperatures in the 90's are most unusual, record breaking I
>believe, and it is one scary scenario! They're predicting DRY thunder
>storms tonight and everyone is getting skittish.
Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

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