This message is from: "Sue Harrison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>When my huge boy went for his breaking 14 years ago he picked up a fungus
>his white pastern.  Altho treated, it comes back occasionally.  The ferrier
>was here two weeks ago and all was okay then suddenly today he has like
>crusted goop on the back of his white pastern
Dear Jean:  So sorry about your way to keep him away from the
About your might try "Wonder Dust" put up by Farnam.  We had
proud flesh form on a 3 year old App's.  hind fetlock.  He had suffered a
very bad cut, we believe from a cork on his shoe.  It had healed but with a
growth of proud flesh. It looked like a huge mushroom. The vet said to take
him to the lab and they would operate at a cost of $600.00.  Then they
wanted to do a biopsy.  I had seen "Wonder Dust" at our local CO-OP, and it
is said to be good for everything pretty much  so I purchased a bottle for
less than $10.00.  Within a few days, the proud flesh was completely gone!
The vet was astounded.  You might try that.... it would be my best advice.
Sure hope you can find some.  Also "Panalog" cream for dogs..... (Nystatin
Neomycin Sulfate)  might work.  I have  used  the panalog on yeast skin rash
on myself with great results. ..and have heard of it working for diaper
rash....One never knows it might do the trick.
Sue in N.B.  {Desert Storm's Mom}

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