This message is from: "Bushnell's" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 02:02 PM 08/02/2000 -0700, you wrote:
>This message is from: "Oscar and Shirley Anderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>1.  Trimming manes:  

Hi Shirley! You know how I manage the mane arch? I see in my mind a
perfectly symmetrical rainbow shape peaking at the half point. You know how
you have to look ahead of your scissors when cutting material to get a
straight line.. that's what I do with the envisioned rainbow.

Would you believe our horses are so happy they don't bust out of their
contented pastures? What's with all these escapes? 

Just kidddddddddding!!! =)) Glad to know you're hanging in there through
this despicable heat.

Working up a website so get that drum roll going.. my best to all, Ruthie,
nw mt (not far from Shirley's)

2.  New Zealand fencing:  We have it - I love it.  The big springs that we
>have at intervals give enough to handle snow and ran away horses (but not
>the local moose that takes out my fence periodically).  My stud ran into our
>fence at a full gallop.  Gus was unmarked, and is now well trained in
>avoiding that nasty little bite that comes with a hot wire.  I also had a
>young gelding try to jump the fence.  The insulator broke - more slack built
>into the system.  We have used the New Zealand system for eight years,
>without mishap.
>On to other projects.
>Shirley Anderson.

  • [no subject] Oscar and Shirley Anderson
    • Re: Shirley Bushnell's

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