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Salt is the one mineral that horses will seek out if they are lacking. 
They are evidently getting an adequate amount or they would be using the

Our horses seem to really go at a block when you first put one in with
them, but after awhile will stop licking it.  I think it is just because
it is something new to investigate.  You could try taking the block out,
rinsing it off and putting it back in a few days and see if they are
interested.  But again, if they needed it, they would use it.  Are you
feeding a commercially prepared feed?  I'm sure it has salt added.  Check
the label.

At times when you are concerned about water and electrolyte intake (hot
weather, or real cold weather) you can increase the salt intake by
sprinkling some on the feed (1-2tblsps.) or by dosing it directly in the

Hope this answers your questions. 

Steve White
Waterloo, Nebraska

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