This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  After my long search for a good trainer, the girls, Riba and Ida have been 
at the trainers two months now.  Early yesterday morning before the heat got 
in full swing, the trainer and I rode Riba and Ida out onto BLM land for an 
hour.  It was my first trail ride on my horses.  In fact, it was my first 
"trail" ride (not in an arena) in -- oh my -- 25 years.  No wonder I was a 
little nervous.  They, however, were both saints.  Riba shied a few steps 
sideways when a black garbage sack made faces at her, but other than that 
they were as calm as if they'd been doing it for years.  It's kind of hard 
holding Riba in now that she's out of the arena.  She does love to go and 
think all of life should be done at the trot.  It's a big change from her 
attitude in the arena and on the longe line, which was I'm not moving faster 
than a snail and you can't make me.  
  She has become a total nudge while being saddled, though.  She bites the 
truck, steals the brushes and picks, grabs and tries to eat gloves, pushes me 
with her head.    
   Ida is sweet and biddable and almost up with Riba.  She was totally 
cooperative while the trainer opened and closed gates on her and everything.  
Not bad for 2 months.  And they both do their laterals real pretty.
                                                Gail, Rider Unextraordinaire, 
in NM

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