This message is from: "Sue Harrison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>The ferrier was just here and we had been watching a growing lump on the
>pastern of my big boy.  The ferrier said it is side bone with growth toward
>ring bone.  No lameness yet and he is not ridden.  At nineteen the ferrier
>felt he would go off from something else before the ringbone got him.  He
>suggested DMSO twice a week and then once a week.  Anyone else had this

Dear Jean:  I had an unidentified lump on my old mares knee a few years
back.  I rubbed it with Minords linament...and it went away...what would
happen if  you bathed it with that?  Do you just have the 2 horses now?
We have 3...the old mare and hubbys gelding and of course my yearling
How does everyone make out with fly masks?  Mine does not mind his and a
regular one still fits.  Suppose his head will outgrow a normal sized mask
in time? How much will the head grow anyway?
Wondering since everyone says saddles that fit are hard to come by...I may
have to resort to a bareback pad if he outgrows my saddle.... LOL
Love hearing from everyone,
Sue in N.B.   (Desert Storm's mom)

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