This message is from: carol j makosky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi List,

Thank you everyone for the input about the leg bands and collars for fly
protection.  We have some very nice cool days here in northern WI for
awhile and the riding is great.  Heidi had a good work out last night
when my husband (the non horse person) went for a drive with me.  It was
nice to see those butt muscles work on the hills.  Today I will be easy
on her and just work on the neck reining education.  There is a nice
article on teaching it in this months Western Horseman.  I know many of
you have given me good advise about teaching this in the past, but I
have to confess that I did not keep at it on a regular basis.  My other
great news is I have found a trail riding companion.  Unfortunately she
is only here on weekends.  We got together last Sat. morn and were both
excited to have company on the trails.  Heidi liked it too, and whinnied
about 5 times when we parted company and I headed for home.  I have also
gained back my confidence and riding skills since going off twice last
spring.  I guess I better sign off and go pick up the horse puckies (
not sure if that is a word but anyone with a horse knows what I mean).

"Built FJORD tough"
Carol M.
On Golden Pond

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