This message is from: Cynthia_Madden/OAA/UNO/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Steve and I will not be attending Blue Earth for several personal reasons and I
am very sorry to miss it. Since I cannot be there, I would like to take
advantage of the FH-L forum to bring forward some concerns I have regarding the
MWFHC that  club  members on this list club can think about and perhaps bring up
for me at the meeting. I apologize in advance for not being there myself to
bring up these issues but I feel they are important.

The annual meeting is to be held on  Monday, July 25th, and no agenda of the
meeting or copy of the by-laws that are supposed to be voted upon have been made
available so far to the membership for review prior to the meeting.  This does
not allow the membership to have thoughtful time to consider issues regarding
club affairs prior to the meeting and nor allow meaningful discussion to take
place. I would like to see three things happen in the future that I feel will
make the club more responsible to the general membership and are normal SOP's fo
most organizations:

1)   all executive committee minutes and general membership meeting minutes are
published in the newsletter.

2)   an agenda of items to be brought before the club be made available to
members at least two weeks prior to the annual meeting and mid-winter meeting -
the agenda may, of course, be amended at the meeting, but items thought
important by the executive committee to be brought before the membership should
be pre-published.

3)   that a date for passage of the by-laws  be established for the mid-winter
meeting allowing for adequate time for all members to review them with the
by-laws being mailed to members prior to the meeting

Our by-laws committee presented our recommendation for by-laws to the executive
committee in October 1998 and to date these by-laws have not been presented to
the membership for vote. Despite statements to the contrary at  subsequent  club
meetings, the by-laws committee's responsibility ended upon presentation of our
recommendations to the executive committee and no obligation to do any other
tasks was assigned by the executive committee to any by-laws committee member.
I have available a copy of our recommended by-laws upon request.

Thanks for your time and consideration of these issues which I feel are
important for the future of the MWFHC and in maintaining an informed and
participative membership.

Cynthia Madden
Omaha, Nebraska USA

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