This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"...I need help from those of you with experience. I've never done this
before. What else do I need to do? How do I reserve stalls at the
fairgrounds, enter the competition, figure out what my division is, etc etc. ?

Thanks : )
Brigid in CA

Hi Brigid,
you can email Sami Nelson (show organiser) at: [EMAIL PROTECTED] She will have the show packets out shortly.

Yesterday I took a little (480mi.RT) trip over "the hill" to Turlock, Ca. for a 10:30 am Fjordings West breakfast meeting. Swedish thin pancakes at Latif's diner. (Good incentive for me - I had to rise at 4:30 am!) Only 4 of us had planned to be there but a total of 9 Fjordings West members showed up! Yeah!

The show details I can share with you and the rest of the world are:

Stanislaus Co.Fgnds.Turlock,Ca

-Our judge is confirmed - E.Gene Holloway, from Colorado
The show will start officially on Saturday am, but on FRIDAY nite we plan to have a 5:30pm Fjordings West meeting/Potluck dinner, followed by some playday classes under the lights in the main arena. A good warm up...

-SATURDAY: halter starts at 9am. At 1pm, a special Performance on The Green w/ individual demos, and a logskidding and costume class. ( Last year we had a really nice vaulting demo by Peggy Enge and her kids.)At 3 pm, (or later, as it may be hot), the under saddle classes will happen in the main arena, and into the cool evening!

-SUNDAY: Trail classes start at 9am in the special grass trail arena. (It's a really neat arena with trees and a built-in trail gate!) At 11am, driving classes in the main arena, followed by the driven obstacle classes out on the big grass lawn area.

-There will be no parade (sigh!)this year, as downtown Turlock is all under some kind of restoration scheme, and those of you who participated in last years parade, will probably want to take this year off to recover from last years parade anyway!...

I am co-ordinating the prmotional items booth in the show office this year, so if you have any neat fjord related items you want to have available for sale, please contact me.

So glad you can finally come with horses Brigid, you'll have a blast!

Carson City, NV

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