This message is from: "Janne Myrdal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi there, and greetings from hot and muggy N. Dakota.

Just wanted to put in a couple of words about selling Fjords.  I went
through Betsy Bauer to sell a gelding of mine and wanted to publicly thank
her for a great job!!!!  She works hard to find the right match for both the
horses and the buyers.  And as she knows fjords soooo well, it is easy to
explain the horses and their comfirmation etc to her.  She is carrying on
the great heritage her father passed down to the Fjord world, and I would
HIGHLY recommend her services to anyone selling any of their beloved fjords.
My gelding is with a great new owner in California, and tho I miss him, I
have great peace about the fact that he will be well taken care of and used
to his potential.  It is hard to part with great horses, but sometimes, as
we all know, time is not there to do them all justice, and then the best is
a new owner with time on their hands.

Thanks Betsy for job well done, keep up the good Fjord work.

Edinburg, ND  where my Fjords have gotten lots of TV and newspaper coverage
this month, fun fun fun.  

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