This message is from: "Anneli Sundkvist" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>>According to the books I have on breeds, a Fjord is a warmblood. Merek>>

Well, according to all my breed books they are coldbloods. Still, I belive that 
the fjord is one of the breeds that will be under these discussions from now 
and then together with the Haflinger for example. Here in Sweden, fjords are 
defenitiely regarded as coldbloods. But what I really ment when I talked about 
the warmbloods is the bunch of group of riding horses of mixed origin 
(generations back that is - they are all registred and regardes as purebreds) 
we have at our barn. Most of them are registred as Swedish warmbloods but if 
you should examine their pedigrees I belive you will find more German or 
English blood. 

In Sweden, we call this group of breeds 'halvblod' - halfbloods, since they all 
started with a mix of TB or Arab and farm horses from different areas of 
northern Europe: the Färsing horse from Scania is the material for the Swedish 
warmblood. We all know that there is a bunch of German warmbloods: Holsteiner, 
Westphaler, Hannoveranian...all of them are named after the area of their 
origin. The direct translation of the English word 'warmblood' into Swedish 
would be 'varmblod' which is a much larger group of horses that covers lighter 
riding- and carriage horses. I always thougth that the the term 'warmblood' in 
English ment BOTH this larger group AND was also a bunch name for the breeds we 
call 'halvblod' - SWB, Holsteiner etc. Am I wrong on this one?



Anneli Sundkvist
Department of Archaeology & Ancient History
Uppsala University
St. Eriks Torg 5
S-753 10 Uppsala
Phone: +46-18-4712082 (dept.) +46-18-553627 (home)

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