This message is from: "Susan Gray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This may be a silly question, but our new colt, Merlyn who was born
April 27th is extremely infatuated with his big (11 year old) gelded
half brother Pluto.  He is constantly jumping on his back with his front
legs in that amorous sort of way, biting at his butt and hind legs, and
yes I even saw him nip at that too!  Pluto is extremely tolerant!  As
long as there is green grass or hay in front of him, he just stands
there.  On occasion Pluto will move and even turn to nip at Merlyn, but
nothing major.  My question is that this is now interferring with
Merlyn's attention span when it comes to us working with him leading
etc. in the adjoinin pasture.  Should we separate them on a regualr
basis? Will this get worse before he finally gets gelded?  Merlyn is
sharing a pasture right now with Pluto and their Mom (who is
inseperatable from Pluto and is still nursing Merlyn.) Boys!

Susan Gray
Mad Woman Farm

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