This message is from: "Susan Gray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Just a general comment to the list. We are new to the list and by that
matter the whole horse thing. And not to offend anyone, but we are not
really interested in performance showing of any of our animals. (We
have a menagerie of goats, sheep, chickens, Fjords, dog, cats and yes
"barn swallows." ) We have our animals more as companions and for the
hours of entertainment they afford us. Anyway... I have discovered in
reading the list, that for the most part, Fjord people are MUCH
different to other horsy people. Fjord owners appear to be interesting
characters who possess a great sense of humor, are honest and open and
not afraid to share, admit their mistakes and let down the cast iron
curtains that many people hold so tightly around them, along with
pretense, arrogance and various other waste- my- time behaviors. You
seem to be a healthy group of people. Fjord ponies are well suited to
you. Just wanted to let you know that we are pleased to be amongst
you. Besides...we wouldn't fit in anywhere else!

Susan Gray
Mad Woman Farm
Amherst, MA

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