This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

From: "Bushnell's" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
..."does anyone know of a balanced ride saddle in this region? (I want to know)"

I do know that Ailene Oakwright up in (down in?) Sandpoint, has a really nice Balanced Ride saddle that she bought new. I don't really want to "get back on the saddle" subject either, but suffice to say, the best thing you can do for you and your horse, is to get a saddle made up. Try out a variety of seats avail, and more importantly, place and fit the bare tree on as many fjordy backs as you can. The saddlemaker should allow you to take home a few trees, or show up at his shop so he can place them and then mark corrections on them, so that when they are sent out to the treemaker, they are almost perfect.Things that I like to look for in a saddle are:
-Hermann Oak tanned leather
-All rawhide covered tree
-Must weigh in around 30 lbs.
-Round or semi-round skirts
-A "split" in the rear jockey, so that it will not dig into top of back
-free swinging fenders (stirrup leathers)w/ twists on the end, so that you can actually ride without pain/and or putting a silly broomstick thru the stirrups.. -Placement of the fenders s/b right near the girth, so that there is a straight line from hip thru the heel. -stirrups: forget narrow 'contest'style stirrups,they kill on longish rides. Idid find some awesome 2" Visalia cast aluminium stirrups. Never have to search for a dropped stirrup again! I am always looking at saddles, it's one of my "things". I really like the saddles being made out of Paisley,OR by Len Babb. Start at $1800. email privately for info.if you want.


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