This message is from: "Denise Delgado" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

dear mary,  even if you decided against the swallows, how would you keep
them out?  it sounds like they are very industrious and crafty.  denise,
sierra foothills, calif.
----- Original Message -----
From: Jon & Mary Ofjord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2000 9:01 PM
Subject: Feeding grain & Barn Swallows

> This message is from: Jon & Mary Ofjord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Denise wrote:> purina strategy.  it's not too hot."
> One of the boarders at our stable has us feed Purina Strategy to her
>  It is listed at 14% crude protien-same as most sweet feeds, along with 6%
> fat.  The first ingredient on the label is "Processed grain
> by-products"....just what the heck is THAT?????  Plus, the stuff molds
> quickly if any falls on the stall floor. We have to go in the stall and
> out the moldy stuff on the floor every couple days. UGH!  I wouldn't feed
> it to my horses!!!!! Purina suggests feeding 1/2% of body weight to
> idle horses, so a 1000 lb horse would eat 5 pounds? Plus hay,of course.
> Our Fjords would look like balloons on those rations.  They look like
> balloons anyhow.  Our vet calls them turnips.
> I have a question for any of you out there who have barns.  Do you allow
> barn swallows to nest in the barn?  We just put up our new barn (If you
> build it, they will come) and almost immediately a couple barn swallows
> started putting up a nest over one of the lights above the stalls. I
> knocked down the nest every day for about a week and they have now put up
> another nest in a less vulnerable area.  I have heard that the birds can
> carry lice that can fall onto  horses and cause problems, not to mention
> the droppings on everything.Is this true, or have the old wives been
> telling tales again? I realize the birds do a great service by eating
> insects, but does that benefit outweigh the potential problems?  Any
> anyone???? .......and just where did these birds live before we put up the
> barn?
> Mary O.
> North Coast Equestrian Center
> Grand Marais, Minnesota

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