This message is from: "Meredith Sessoms" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>This message is from: "Sue Harrison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Well I have done it I believe...totally spoiled my colt.  Storm has now
>gelded for 3 weeks and tonight we undertook to lead him to see if he was
>quieter.  He was so bullheaded at the vet clinic where  he was gelded that
>they compared him to a Brahma bull!  My husband could lead him  tonight
>no trouble...for once he did not try to bite...but with me...oh dear...he
>and I have had one too many tongue rubbing and nose rubbing sessions.  He
>wants to crowd into me

I am no expert ... so if anyone with real experience has any problems with
this post or has anything to add, please, please jump in!!!!!

This fellow is so out-of-control that I would reccommend putting a halter on
him and carrying a crop or a bat every time someone handles him, and
smacking him with it - three times, real good on the chest - every time he
invades your space, bites, or does some other rude/dangerous infraction.
Hold up on the petting stuff, make him be a respectful horse first, and make
him earn the right to be a pet again.  Make him do something positive - like
stand stock still for a spell, or hold up each foot for cleaning without
jerking or leaning, or trot in-hand and stop along side of you - before he
gets any pets at all.

With dogs it's called denial.  A puppy might be asked to lay down perfectly
still and quiet at its persons feet for 30 seconds before it is given dinner
or pets and hugs.  But it is a lesson they must learn.  It may be a while
before your pony figures out you aren't kidding and he learns to work to
earn his perks.

That is my take on the subject of rude youngsters.  You must be dillegent;
he must learn to respect you.  There is a lot of good advise in the
Fjordhorse-L archives on young horses being bullys, mouthy youngsters, and
other stuff because this is a very smart breed that will quickly take
control if their people don't!!!!!

>>  ><  <<     Meredith Sessoms
>>  ><  <<     Tooksend Art
>>  ><  <<     Moulton AL USA

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