This message is from: "Tish Pasqual" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

There was a discussion a while back on the Fjord temperment, and many people 
concurred that there is a bit of the "HMMMM let me think about that for just a 
few seconds" - in other words, some need a chance to process, then react.  I 
think that if you have a bit of patience, and allow them a few seconds to 
respond, you will get a good result.  Of course, as they learn something and 
get it, they should certainly be expected to respond instantly.

I had a lovely Sunday being able to ride Elphineas.  My Orthoflex saddle has 
not yet arrived, but we are making do with a borrowed saddle.  We spent about 
15 minutes in the ring, it was quiet and a lovely temp and I just worked on 
quiet hands, and around the ring we wove, doing circles and serpentines and so 
on, at a walk and a trot.  His trot is lovely, soft and easy to ride!  Then for 
a treat we went exploring around the property, he is very curious and loves to 
poke his nose into things.  My first time out of the ring with him, and I just 
feel very comfortable and trusting.  Later I put him in the ring for a few 
minutes to graze, and my son rode his bicycle around and then in the ring - we 
will be facing many bikes and rides in our park reserve - and he was curious, 
but certainly did not react except to look up a few times.  When the new saddle 
comes we will be attempting the park reserve, probably very early in the a.m. 
on a week day when it is quiet, and I'm sure I will!
 be treated to the trail-weaving that's been discussed recently.

I talked to the trainer that I had him with today, and he said "I miss that 
little guy - send me a picture of him, he's welcome back any time" which did my 
heart good.  He confirmed letting a baby (3 years old) have a "treat" of 
wandering around after a 15 focused minute training session, seeing new things 
and being able to explore - he believes that it does them good.  The trainer 
also said that he is definitely a show prospect, pretty, atheletic , and 
willing, so next year I think we will give a few shows a try.

Thanks Linda Lotti, and Michal and Betsy Scott for the advice on the wonderful 
trainer; after two and a half years of waiting my dreams are beginning to come 

Tish and Elphineas in Minneapolis
(My husband rode him bareback on Sunday, and he actually was giggling!  Never 
heard that man GIGGLE before!)

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