This message is from: misha nogha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Want to make an announcement. We have a new filly out of Quad L's Magan,
Marta, born early this am. At the same time as she was foaling. Quad L's
Bree, her half sister was foaling. Both mares foaled very early. Both mares
and babies are fine. 

jane don't you have Romulus? This baby out of Bree, which is owned by my
pal, is by Romulus and is a dandy, real pretty head etc. i have a jpg of
him if you want to see him. Eamil me.

Marta of course, is a darling little girl.

Well to say my bit about imprinting. I always imprint. MOST of the time it
makes for a quieter, mellower foal who loves to be handled. However, I have
had two foals who were imprinted just like every one else, wait until
relaxed, etc, and they were timid foals anyway. A lot has to do with the
foal's individual temperament. All my foals are out of same mom and dad,
all variable temperaments. I think imprinting is generally good especially
if you have to do vet work on the foal for some reason. Of course we ALWAYS
do an IgG so vet work must be done right off the bat.

I think it is up to the individual horse owner. But before making a final
opinion, you might want to real Robert Miller's book Imprinting before yu

So there you go. Got a lot of foals under the belt at this point!!!



Shota Fjords

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