This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

From: "Denise Delgado" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

i attended the bishop mule days celebration this last weekend in bishop,
california. what a good time!!!! during the parade there were two >women on fjords, dressed western. i was too far
away to make out their faces.  the fjords were happy, healthy and
well-behaved of course.  does anyone know who these four were?  i am
thinking k.mac. from carson city...

Yes, Denise, this is k.mac in Carson City (hey, I like that, kinda like kmart...) We WERE in the above mentioned parade, and yes we had a GREAT time! If only other parades were so much fun! The Bishop Mule Days Celebration is a real big thang 'round these parts, and my co-rider Robin Chapin and I knew we wanted to ride in it 3 years ago when our friends, the Roeser family, invited us to hang out for a Mule Days weekend with them. Lou Roeser has operated the Mammoth Lakes Pack station since forever, and his son, Lee "married into" his wife Jennifer's family business, the McGee Creek Pack station, the next drainage south of Mammoth. (Robin and I have both moonlighted for them as wranglers on "bachlorette" packing trips...lots of fun, and we get paid too!) Anyway, the Roeser's are very inspiring, great hands, and good to be around - Lee has won the '5 or more' pack award (10! mules) for the parade too many years running to count. He's legendary down there.(Denise: In the parade, his mules were coca-cola bays, and each mule sported 2 American flags atop their packs. They also led the Grand entry, if you went to the performances.) So, I digress. I rode 4 yo Alycia {Sven x Thyri[Gromar]} in a bosal (w/ mecate made out of my horses recycled mane-hair), and Robin rode 7 yo Tise (Sivert x Jorunn [Andre]} "in the bridle". We were very proud of both girls, not a bobble. It was warm, but not the 100 degrees it was later on. We had to stop, as in all parades, every 47.3 seconds on average. Alycia became a pro at this, and as soon a she saw the wagon ahead of us with the Piaute Princesses aboard come to a stop, so did she! At one intersection, she stopped on top of a manhole cover. She was curious and slightly bored, so I let her sniff it. Then, she proceeded to paw at it, as if she knew that if she worked it just right she would discover the water underneath. If I ever figure out how, I will post photos to a photo-sharing site, but,just to let the fashion curious know, we wore matching black riding skirts, big palm straw buckaroo hats, and white shirts with red silk scarves. Our saddle blankets were old style navajos with bold black/red/cream (similar) designs, and we rode in slick fork saddles. ..Oh,BTW we did win the match pair class, but afterwards everyone agreed that we coulda won it riding in our underwear, as it really was the weegees who stole the show! We plan to do the parade next year, and I want to invite anyone who wants to participate with us, to let me know. You will have fun, and promote the heck out of the breed. (PS: Tise and Alycia were never "propositioned" by any least nonethat I know of anyway !)

Have a goodnight,
Great Basin Fjords
Carson City,NV

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