This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Good Monday morning, everyone!!

We are instore for another beautiful Minnesota day - I am heading out with a 
friend on a drive.  

Just thought I would mention that I purchased a grazing muzzle for Sven --  
seems to be working well.  Time will tell if it helps with his weight -- but 
he is tolerating the muzzle and within SECONDS developed a technique to get 
the most grass per bite with the thing, :):)  At least I can leave him out to 
graze longer -- I do have to leave his halter on so only put it on when I am 
home.   The muzzle is made of plastic coated iron with fleece around the area 
that comes in contact with the skin.  I paid 29.95 through United Vet -- it 
was $60.00 at a local tack shop :(

Anyway, thought I would pass along this info. to anyone who is dealing with 
an overweight Fjord.

Went on a ride yesterday with husband on the QH and I on Sven.  Perfectly 
wonderful!!  Used the lightweight fly masks made for riding - worked great!   
The company makes gear for humans too - pretty soon both horse and rider will 
be totally incased by netting - HAHA!!

Linda in Minnesota

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