This message is from: "Janne Myrdal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I wanted to respond to the sad, yet soo beautiful post Sue G. put out 
yesterday.  There has been so many joyful reports, yet also sad ones this
spring on the digest, which is how life goes. Bittersweet someone told me a
few weeks ago, so true!   Wanted to relate a small story that happened to us
recently, as it may bring a bit of help and closure to those dealing with
loss of beloved pets.

A few weeks ago, we lost our 10 month old JR puppy, and she was Kristian, my
four year old son's buddy.  We buried her out back, and Kristian cried and
cried, -then a few days later, after he had been back to Tilly's grave to
play his daily harmonica tune for her, came back with this new confidence on
his face.  " Mamma, you know what?  Maybe Tilly had to go and be with
Bestefar (grandpa in norwegian) so he could have a dog in heaven?  That
would be good!"  ( My father passed away in Norway last year)   Oh, how
children can bless us with their simple, yet so pure heart and mind.  My
mother used to say that only children and drunk people told the truth, ha.
I prefer the truth from the children God has blessed us with.

So, onwards we go, loving what comes our way, be it human or animal, tho
loving also means pain sometimes.

Janne, in green and warm ND

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