This message is from: Wild Flower Fjord Farm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi There<

We are so sorry for your loss.We share in your sorrow. One of our mares had the
thing happen in March 2000. She also aborted twins but two colts same thing two
before her date. It is a hard thing to swallow but we are glad that are mare is
fine as
she is my daughter's Renee best friend. We are now awaiting for our other mare 
give birth anytime now.Once again we would like to express our sincere sorrow 

Yours truly,

Renee, Robert and Maureen
Wild Flower Fjord Farm


> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Just a quick note..... At about noon today (Mother's Day) our 4 year old mare
> Taffy (Paradise's Taffeta) aborted twin fillies two months before her due
> date.  She was the only one of our mares, four at the time, that we did not
> have ultrasounded, and we see now that she was the one that we should have
> had done.  It's a hard lesson to swallow for sure, but from now on ALL our
> mares will be ultrasounded.  We don't ever want to go through this again!
> Amy
> Du n Lookin' Fjords
> Bud, Tillie & Amy Evers
> Redmond OR

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