This message is from: John and Martie Bolinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I just lifted this from the Draftndrive list.  Hope they don't mind my
plagiarizing.  It was so cute.


> Good Afternoon.
> I AM a horse-aholic. I would like to welcome all of you to this month's
> meeting of Horse-aholic  Anonymous. Some of you are here tonight because a
> friend or relative  brought you. You may be sitting here thinking that you
> are OK and don't  really need any help. It is not easy to admit that you are
> a horse-aholic and it is even harder to bring yourself to a HA meeting for
> help. HA is here  to assist you. I  have some questions to ask. If you can
> answer YES to more than three of the following, you have come to the right
> place.

> 1. Can you say "sheath" in public without blushing?
> 2. Do you drive a big truck with a towing package when everyone else
> drives a real car?
> 3. Do you have more than one vehicle? One for you and one for the
> horses?
> 4. Do you spend your holidays going to shows, clinics and seminars
> when everyone else goes on a cruise?
> 5. If you do go overseas, is it to a riding vacation in Ireland or
> to Spruce Meadows to watch the Grand Prix?
> 6. Do you discuss things at the dinner table that would make most
> doctors leave in disgust?
> 7. Do you consider formal wear to be clean jeans and freshly scraped
> boots?
> 8. Is your interior decorator State Line Tack?
> 9. Was your furniture and carpeting chosen with your horses in mind?
> 10. Are your end tables really tack trunks with tablecloths thrown
> over them?
> 11. Do you know the meaning of _____________?
> 12. Is your mail made up primarily of horse catalogs and horse
> magazines ?
> 13. Do you get up before dawn to ride? Go to horse shows? Clinics?
> (but have trouble getting up for "work?")
> 14. If you do have dresses, do they all have pockets? Do those
> pockets often contain bits of carrot, hay, or sweet feed?
> 15. When you meet a new person do you always ask them what kind of
> horse they have and pity them if they don't have one?
> 16. Do you remember the name of their horse sooner than you remember
> their name?
> 17. Do you find non-horse people boring?

> If you answered YES to one of the above, there is still hope. If you
> answered YES to two, you are in serious trouble. My advice to all of
> you with three or more YES's is to sit back and smile, turn to the
> smiling >person next to you, and know that your life will always be
> filled with good friends and good horses and it will never be
> boring.

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  • Horse Humor Mike May
    • Horse humor John and Martie Bolinski

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