This message is from: Mike & Casey Rogillio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

My trailer is a steel stock trailer, I think it's 14' x 5'6" by 6'2".  It may 
be 16' long
tho or maybe only 5' wide . . .  I, too, have used it for more than just 
horses.  My husband has moved a friend, I've gotten many loads of hay (it'll 
hold 50 bales
if packed tightly) and I'm sure we'll find a couple more uses for it.  I have 
the mats from
Tractor Supply Company  in it as well as having the torsion axle.  I think 
that's the right
terminology.  I'm a bit fuzzy-brained tonight.  It's not leaf springs, the 
other one.  I've
read that this combination will provide the best ride for your horse.

I hauled Tyr from Michigan to Alabama in it for his first trailer ride.  I 
frequently (about every 2-3 hours) to offer water and let him rest from the 
motion of the
road.  I didn't unload tho!  The total time on the trip was 10 or 11 hours.  I 
think the
trips  you're talking about would be ok in a stock trailer.  As someone else 
wrote, you can
put fly masks on to prevent debris from getting into their eyes.   He also rode 
facing the
rear and was able to move about when I stopped, which I think helped make it a 
better ride
for him.  The downside is that he didn't have a nice narrow space to be in and 
against, altho his hips are almost always smudged with red paint at the end of 
every trip.
First time I saw that red I just about died on the spot.

I'm sure you know to check the wheels, flooring, brakes, rust spots and all 
that stuff.  I
think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how handy a stock trailer can be!


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